Coach's Compass

Welcome to the Coach's Compass

I help Instructional
Coaches and School Leaders

Navigate the complex world of coaching
with confidence and compassion.

About Kathy

Hey there! I’m Kathy, the Coaching Empowerment Optimizer (CEO) of Kathy Perret Consulting. I am passionate about enhancing instructional experiences for students and staff. As an instructional coach and consultant, I aim to help educators continuously learn and grow, just like I have throughout my career.

From my childhood basement classroom to my current role as an independent consultant, I have always believed that every day is an opportunity to learn something new. As a former classroom teacher and consultant with 30+ years of experience, I have a deep understanding of the challenges and joys of teaching.

As a Coaching Empowerment Optimizer (CEO), I am committed to navigating the complex world of coaching with confidence and compassion. My goal is to empower coaches to achieve their full potential and optimize their coaching practice.


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Work with Me


Are you looking for a dynamic and engaging keynote presentation on instructional coaching? Look no further! I specialize in delivering captivating presentations that are designed to inspire and empower educators to become effective coaches in their classrooms. So why wait? Book a session with me today and let's start working together to take your coaching skills to the next level!

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Conference Sessions

I am excited to offer a variety of dynamic conference sessions focused on instructional coaching. Sessions are designed to provide practical tools and insights to help you achieve your coaching goals. Whether you're a new coach or a seasoned pro, my sessions are tailored to meet your needs and help you grow as a professional. So why wait? Let's work together to design engaging and informative experiences that will take your coaching practice to the next level!

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Ongoing Training

I strongly believe everyone deserves a coach of their own. I am proud to offer both onsite and virtual training and coaching services for instructional coaches and school leaders. I will work with you to customize programs to your specific needs. Whether you prefer face-to-face interactions or a more flexible and convenient option, I have the expertise and experience to help you reach your goals. Contact me today to get started on your coaching journey and achieve your full potential.

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Kind Words

Kathy Perret’s expertise in instructional coaching is invaluable to teachers and school leaders dedicated to improvement. She understands the coaching process deeply, and understands the social complexities of coaching relationships. Every time I have worked with Kathy, I’ve been impressed by her understanding of the ins and outs of instructional improvement, and I highly recommend her for your instructional coaching and leadership needs.

Justin Baeder, Director, The Principal Center, & creator of The Instructional Leadership Challenge

Working with Kathy has helped me to improve my professional practice. Kathy tailored each virtual coaching session to meet my needs and helped me work through various challenges I was facing at my school. She is extremely knowledgeable and provided me with valuable resources and tools to further my learning and help me continue to grow as an instructional coach.

Kristin K. – Instructional Coach

I have had the privilege to work with Kathy Perret while teaching at Irving Elementary. She was an instructional coach and assisted in my classroom in many ways. While I taught fourth grade, she coached me in using the Picture Inductive Word Model. She modeled lessons, talked me through assessments and helped review student work. Ms. Perret was an asset to my classroom and gave me a strong foundation in literacy practices. I have been able to use the strategies while teaching fourth grade and now teaching kindergarten. Because of her coaching my students received quality literature skills that will guide them throughout their educational careers.

Rebecca M. – Dual Language Kindergarten Teacher

As a coach, of coaches and teacher leaders, the perception is that you have all the answers and mastered all the content. However, I believe there is always room to grow, value in collaboration and the importance of reflection. Thankfully, I found Kathy, who helped me increase my coaching skillset. Our time together allowed me to process and reflect with someone who is 100% removed from my work environment, yet completely engaged in the work and focused on me as a client. Coaches often spend a majority of their time supporting others, Kathy reminded me of the value of personal professional investing, which in turn allows professionals to be more effective.

Mandi Van Dellen, Reno, NV

Virtual Coaching with Kathy Perret has helped me increase my focus and skills as an instructional coach. I was a new coach when I first started Virtual Coaching sessions, just beginning my second year. I was still uncertain of my role and my ability to connect with teachers and administration. Virtual Coaching has helped me discover my strengths, and to grow professionally. I have many resources for coaching cycles as well as organizational tools. Kathy helped me set small short-term goals for my coaching work. Every few weeks we would converse as I reflected on my progress and areas that I needed to address. I am much more confident now as an instructional coach and much more productive. I have gained knowledge in order to work with our administrators, fellow coaches and staff to meet the needs of our students.

Nancy Wright, Instructional Coach, Glenwood Community School District, Iowa

As a new instructional coach, Kathy’s guidance and support made such a difference! During our virtual meetings, Kathy would always follow up from our previous sessions and listen to new challenges or celebrations I shared. Her experience as a coach and knowledge base of different coaching techniques helped me to set my own goals and persevere through the sometimes murky waters of instructional coaching. I feel fortunate to have worked with Kathy during this transitional time in my educational career.

Erin Christie, Instructional Coach

I have always been a reader and a learner which has been very helpful since I stepped into the role as an Instructional Coach, four years ago. At the beginning of my fourth year, I began to feel like I needed to grow professionally and even though there was some district support and a lot of school level support–it wasn’t enough and I felt stuck. I realized that what I needed was a coach. What better way to model and lead than to practice the very thing you work hard for others to embrace? That’s when I began to work with Kathy, which has been an amazing experience. When I think of our virtual coaching sessions, I am amazed that I have never met her, in person, or that I have only known her for such a short time because it feels as if I have known her for years. Each session, is productive and Kathy provides such a precise attentiveness to me and the focus. (I think I actually started wearing two hats–the coached and a student because after each of the sessions, I would think about what I observed her doing or not doing and reflect on my own practice as a coach.) The professional-personal like relationship, her willingness to provide and be a resource is been something that I cannot imagine not having and look forward to. As coaches we spend a lot of time building relationships and giving that safe place–and as rewarding as it is, I think that any coach can identify that there is a degree of isolation and loneliness within the position–as we are often singletons within our building. My virtual coaching with Kathy has become my own safe place, to think through, plan, and grow so that I can better help support my teachers, administrators and most importantly my students.

Allison, Middle School Instructional Coach, Charleston, SC

Are you ready to SHINE?

from the blog

Let’s Explore AI: 5 Time-Saving Tips for Instructional Coaches
Expand Your Professional Learning with Twitter Chats
Coaching Ourselves with Compassion

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