Work is going to fill a large portion of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. ~…
Professional Growth via Twitter Chats
I started reading a new book over the weekend in preparation for a virtual book study with fellow #educoach colleagues which begins Wednesday, February 6th. Our weekly Twitter chat (Wednesdays at 9:00 CST) will focus on the book High-Impact Instruction by fellow #educoach…
Personal photo – Fireworks display, Okoboji, IA – July 4, 2012 Celebrations are all around us. Social media provides us the opportunity to share our celebrations with others near and far. We are able to stay connected to the mile…
Twitter Chats: #pencilchat, #educoach and beyond
I have been on Twitter for over two years. In the course of that time I have met some amazing educators from all corners of the world. I have gain new insights, looked at state of education from many perspectives,…