Today’s post is a guest post written by one of my clients, Maura O’Reilly. It is my pleasure to be Maura’s virtual coach. We are both learning, growing, and SHINING! Want to learn more about virtual coaching? You can read more…
What Kind of Learner Are You?
What kind of learner are you? Are you the type that jumps right in or do you wait awhile and watch others before diving in? Or is learning something new something you would rather avoid? Does it depend on the…
Don’t Let the Numbers Get in the Way!
Students across the nation have probably taken their state assessment by now. Part of my position as an instructional coach is to assist schools in their analysis of this data as well other forms of summative and formative assessments. Over…
It’s difficult, but I can do it.
I was recently invited to be a guest blogger for @wcgaskins blog “Creating a Path for Learning in the 21st Century.” The cross-post can be found here. The topic: What does it mean to blog about your teaching life and…