To begin I feel I must submit a disclaimer to this post. I have read a few blog posts on the Knowing – Doing Gap and I am aware of the book by this same title by Jeffry Pfeffer and…
Change is in the Air
My summer is one of change. I am taking part in an 8-week body transformation at Kosama. The program is based on training regiments of professional athletes but geared towards any body type or athletic build. Each day the hour-long…
The Action Research “Diet” with SMART Goals
You can’t turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again. ~ Bonnie Prudden It is that time of year again. Millions of people are contemplating New Year’s Resolutions. Prior to making new resolutions, it is helpful to…
#leadershipday11 – Always Learning
#Leadershipday11 (August 5, 2011) has come and gone. I had marked the day on my calendar. I had been contemplating blog post topics. But, sad to say a cast on my right leg has caused me to slow down. In…